Bosanska Knjiga Mrtvih Pdf To Doc

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The paper argues that public discourses in Bosnia and Herzegovina have been ideologically and linguistically divided and remodelled – laden with ethnic connotations – so that they effectively disallow rational public discussion among individuals who identify themselves or are perceived as members of different ethnic groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina. While the process began during the disintegration of Yugoslavia, it has continued and expanded in the discourses and official policies of post-war Bosnian society. As a consequence, the discourse in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been significantly ‘refeudalized’. Vista Stereo Mix Disabled Children.

This refeudalization of discourse, however, has not been invoked by the commercialization of the media but, among other things, by ‘ethnic branding’ and polarization of ethnic identities.

The Bosnian Book of the Dead

Tokača Mirsad

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Historical interpretation of conflictsin the world and in the Balkans abound with examples of such rough estimatesand unfounded interpretations, which become, with the passage of time, fertilesoil for fostering myths about the sole and exclusive suffering of one’s owncommunity. If we agree that the purpose of every investigation is an attempt toreach truth and gain new or deeper insight, then the first question weinevitably have to ask ourselves is, do we know, at least approximately, howmany people were killed or went missing during the recent war. On the eve ofour research one could hear in the daily political narrative the figuresrelated to the Bosniak casualties had reached app. 250,000, Serb casualtiesapp. 90,000, and Croat about 50,000 (the so-called Others were not included),which reached the total of almost 400,000 casualties of the war in Bosnia andHerzegovina.

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The absence of rational dialogue, andthe preponderance of confrontations and manipulations with numbers of “one’sown“ victims, without any empirical research and documented facts, togetherwith the fact that some sources of information were closed, i.e. monopolised,was an additional element that fostered deeper disagreements, contributed to aheated political atmosphere and left a situation ripe for the instigation ofnew suspicions, fears and conflicts. This is why our basic intention was to tryto contribute to the change of model of shaping our historical memory, with thefoundations that would incorporate the values which would not permitmanipulations and discrimination of the war-related victims. On the other hand,we had in mind the importance of the problems relating World War II victimsthat had burdened the society of the former Yugoslavia all the way until afterthe recent war, which was to great extent one of the elements used to inspirethe conflict in the 1990s.

The naming of the 95,940 victims marksa break in the Balkans culture and practice of seeing the dead and thedisappeared as mere numbers. The book plays a crucial role in the creation ofcollective memory of war casualties, makes the practice of haggling over thenumber of victims redundant and enables the region’s states to establishsafeguards and guarantees against the repetition of war crimes, by individuallynaming and acknowledging each victim. Naming of the victims proved to be asource of great strength in the process of reconciliation and coming to termswith the past.

The Bosnian Book of the Dead is amonument to the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina who lost their lives or whodisappeared during the war (1991- 1995). It is the only shared monument to thekilled or disappeared citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, irrespective of theirethnicity, religion, political, military or social belonging. By virtue of itsdetail and the quality of its content, it played, mainly through research andpublic presentation of the findings, a crucial role in the Bosnian Book of theDead becoming the most comprehensive and reliable registry of human lossessuffered in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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Additionally,quantitative data analysis is focused on several most significant dimensions ofhuman losses, and primarily on: Statistical overview of the total number ofkilled/missing victims of war; Time distribution of human losses; Human lossesaccording to their status (civilians v. soldiers); Gender structure of the warcasualties; Structure of the victims of war by ethnic background; Structure ofthe victims of war by age; Human losses of members of military units; Spatialdistribution of human losses, both at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina, andin municipalities/regions.

Proizvod je dostupan:DA
Izdavač:Istraživačko dokumentacioni ce
Godina izdanja:2012
Broj stranica:4 knj.
Tip uveza:tvrdi