Ebook Aplikasi Perencanaan Struktur Gedung Dengan Etabs 2016 Crack

  пятница 14 февраля
: Indonesia is an archipelago country which surrounded by three great continental plates. The movement of those plates has created a wave dispersion. This activity leads to the point where the soil`s strength has decreased and triggered some liquefactions. Some areas in Sumatera such as Aceh, Padang, Bengkulu, and Pekanbaru are very close to the joint crack location. Hence, these locations have high risks in encountering numerous geotechnical problems due to the liquefactions. This research aims to discover the influence of sand quarry variations and pulse accelerations toward liquefaction potency. The research method was determined by using one way-shaking table with the variations of pulse accelerations were 0.25 g and 0.32 g. The sand quarry variations were obtained from Danau Bingkuang, Garuda Sakti and Sungai Tonang which have different percentage of fine sand, medium sand, and coarse sand. According to the results, Danau Bingkuang Quarry had ru ratio of 0.79 on the acceleration of 0.25 g and ru ratio of 1.06 on the acceleration of 0.32 g. Sungai Tonang Quarry had ru ratio of 0.60 on the acceleration of 0.25 g and ru ratio of 0.90 on the acceleration of 0.32 g. Whilst Garuda Sakti Quarry had ru ratio of 0.42 on the acceleration of 0.25 g and ru ratio of 0.82 on the acceleration of 0.32 g. It could be concluded that Quarry of Danau Bingkuang has the highest potency in experiencing liquefaction.

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